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Deadline is noon on Tuesday to appear in that week's print version of the Press.

$10 per week for up to 35 words. $20 per week for 36 to 70 words. 10% discount if ad is placed for 8 weeks or longer.

No charge for "For Free" or "Lost and Found" items or for high school students looking for jobs.

For Sale

For Sale

Copies of the Press

The current issue of the Harvard Press is available at Daigneault’s Liquors, Harvard General Store, Westward Orchards (June through December) Bolton Orchards, Devens Rapid Refill, Ayer Shop ’n Save, Ayer Jack O’Lantern, and Bolton Country Cupboard.

For Sale

Harvard Press photos

Color prints and digital downloads of Press photos, including Bromfield sports, school events, and community events are available at

For Sale


Laptops with excellent screens, web-cams and wifi, solid state drives and one-year warranty. Desktop and laptop computer troubleshooting, repairs, replacements, and upgrades. Call or text Ben Myers at 978-844-8312 or email

For Sale

Leghorn Rooster

Young Silver Leghorn Heritage rooster, 4 months old with spur buds. Available now to join bachelorette back yard flock. Must have secure coop and fenced in free range space. Call 617-256-5839.

For Sale

Student subscription

Someone you know off  to college? Give them a subscription to the Press so they can stay in touch with their home town. A 9-month student subscription is just $40, sent to any U.S. college or university. Call 978-456-3700.

For Sale


Seasoned and kiln-dried firewood available. Try our barkless firewood—more wood, less mess! Call 978-874-1509 for pricing.

For Sale

'A Common History: The Story of Harvard's Identity'

"A Common History: The Story of Harvard's Identity" by Carlene Phillips is available for purchase ($25). Email


Harvard Press Classified Ads Inspired Design Westward Orchards Shepherd Veterinary Clinic Hazel & Co. Real Estate Blinn Carpentry & Design Jasonics Security Chestnut Tree & Landscape Doe Orchards Karen Shea, Realtor Harvard Custom Woodworking Haschig Homes Sarah Cameron Real Estate New England Tree Masters Ann Cohen, Realtor Cherrystone Furniture Badger Funeral Home Erin McBee, Attorney Great Road Farm and Garden Shannon Boeckelman Kitchen Outfitters Warren Design Build Colonial Spirits Lisa Aciukewicz Photography Dinner at Deadline Jo Karen Central Ave Auto Repair Mill Road Tire & Auto Mike Moran Painting Flagg Tree Service