Following publication of last week’s Publishers Corner in which we discussed our financial challenges, we received several offers to help the Press gain economic stability. We received this message Tuesday:
To the Harvard Press owners, staff, and contributors,
The Harvard Press is an amazing asset for our town. It has grown because of the tremendous commitment to and passion for our community demonstrated by all of you: the owners, the staff, and the many contributors. As longtime residents of Harvard who love reading the Press every week, we would like to support the Press by making a $5,000 matching donation. We will match up to the first $100 donated by members of the public until we reach a total of $5,000. (Harvard Press owners and their families are excluded from this matching grant.) We hope that this additional $10,000 will provide some additional financial security for the Press and also show how much we as a town support your work.
Signed by anonymous but happy readers of the Harvard Press.
This message arrived unsolicited and unexpected. We are grateful beyond words, and humbled. We have received many messages of support over the years, but this is tangible, and relevant to the current financial condition of the Press. The $10,000 potential, if 50 donations of $100 or more are received and matched, is almost exactly what the annual average operating deficit has been the past few years. Readers who wish to contribute may do so:
By check to the Harvard Press, mailed to PO Box 284, Harvard MA 01451
In conjunction with subscription renewals (use the “patron contribution” space on the subscription form, or the “additional contribution” tab on the online subscription form)
By clicking the “Donate” button at
We will report all such contributions to our benefactors and add their matching donations to yours.
This expression of support is most encouraging. With complementary reader support, the immediate issue will be addressed, and we will be able to focus on longer term revenue and cost opportunities.
Thanks to our anonymous benefactors, and thanks to our readers for support expressed, and yet to come.